Monday, January 14, 2013

Finding the Right Buyer for Your Condo and Setting Your Unit Apart ...

Are you looking for the right buyer for you condo or have you had multiple offers but none are even close to your expectations? This is quite common in a soft market where the supply of condos out way the demand but instead of accepting less or ?throwing in the towel? you may try to set property apart from the rest by considering these simple steps.

  • Find a realtor team that understands internet marketing. Over 50% of our condo closing are by out of state buyers and we capture this market through our internet presence. Ask your realtor team if they or she works on a team or alone. Experienced Realtor Teams always produce more efficient results and are able to market your property with twice the effort.
  • Make sure your condo is listed with an local area expert and condominium specialist. Listing your condo with a realtor who has limited condominium knowledge will prove to be a huge disadvantage to you the seller through the entire marketing, negotiating, and pre-closing processes.
  • Address selling point for your condo unit and the condominium building including but not limited to the location, proximity to attractions, temperament of residents living in the building, community events, aesthetic upgrades to the unit, sunrise and sunset views, and most of all what you liked about the unit when you purchased it. All of these items shouldl be address when your property is show by your realtor team. This is a vital part of the selling process.
  • Create a calming atmosphere in your condo unit by keeping darker rooms well lit with lamps or by opening shades. Set the thermostat prior to all showings keeping the temperature cooler in the summer between 73-75 and warmer in the winter 78-80. Make sure the condo has a noticible scent such as vinella, cinnimon, or my favoties freash baked cookies. All of these can be obtained using plug-in air fresheners that may be removed after a showing. Althought the scent may not be exactly what buyers are looking for it will make them remember that your property was well kept.

These are just a few items to ensure a compeditive advantage over your competition. These steps will create qualitative value to you property that will ensure higher offers not based soley off price per sqft or other quantative information.

Making your property desireable and uniqie is second most important step next to price!


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